Monday, October 18, 2010

Michigan-Part I

East Lansing, Michigan, where we had tickets to the Michigan State vs University of Wisconsin football game, was our first stop after departing Wisconsin. Saturday morning, Matt and Ashley got to the MSU tennis court area early to set up for their traditional tailgate. Ashley had made some tasty appetizers and Matt was the "grillmaster", cooking brats and hot dogs. It was sure enjoyable to relax and watch them do the work!!!! Art's brother, Kenny, came with us to the game, and Ashley's Mom and Stepfather, Dine and Dan were also there, which made it even more fun! Some of Matt's friends and former roommates, Greg, Pat, Ben, Diondre, and cousin John were at the tailgate. It was nice to catch up with everyone! Of course, MSU won, which made the day, especially Matt's!!!!!!!!!!

The rest of our time in Michigan was devoted to visiting friends and family, some of which we hadn't seen in over a year. We were able to spend a great day with our cousins, Greg, Jane and Nick, and my Aunt Barbara, in Battle Creek. It was the perfect day for some Bocci Ball, although I think the boys beat the girls! Besides seeing Aunt Barbara in Battle Creek, we also had lunch with her and my cousin, Shannon, in Rochester, Michigan at the "Red Olive" restaurant.

My friend, Dot Baccari, arranged a reunion of gals from grade school. Attending were Dot, myself, Sue Saxton, and Lynn Frasier. Although Dot, Sue, and I have kept up friendships over the years, I figured Lynn and I hadn't seen each other in approximately 46 years! What a great time!!!!!!!!

Sue and I spent her "60th" birthday together, treating ourselves to pedicures and lunch, and discussing where all the years had gone! I'm glad we had that time together, since it has been a while since we were together on a birthday. Later that evening, Rod, Art, Sue, and I went out for further celebration at the McCormick and Schmick restaurant.

We were also able to spend time with Dot, Frank, and Brett. On one day, Frank made a delicious Italian dinner of lasagna and meatballs, and Matt and Ashley were also there to enjoy it! Later we enjoyed drinks and laughs in the hot tub! It brought back many pleasant memories of hot tub evenings in the past.

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