Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Medora, North Dakota-Part I

Medora is a small western town towards the western border of ND. It was started by the Marquis De Mores in the 1880s, after the railroad was extended to ND. He named the town after his wife. His plan was to become rich, even though he was rich already, shipping beef back to the east, via refrigerated rail cars. His plan failed and he left after 3 years, but the town is still there and a major tourist stop. The town also borders the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

I know you are all sick of hearing about scenery, but the drive to Medora was fantastic! We went from rolling plains to the Badlands, which are indescribable in their beauty! Large hills and buttes of colorful mineral deposits and rock formations that go on for miles and miles!

We stayed in a neat campground about a mile from town. Each morning there were elk grazing on a butte in front of the campground. It was also a short walk to a prairie dog town. Watching the prairie dogs squeak and fly back into their holes as we walked by was a riot! Unfortunately, there were no TV signals at this campground. Art went through withdrawal-6 days without TV!!!!! We did meet lots of nice people in the campground, however-John and Louise from Houston, Terry and Teresa from Ontario, and Merlin and Sue from Minnesota.

Part II of our experiences in Medora will be coming up in the next blog.

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