Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Fun in Madison

Carol and Rick left today. They are on their way to Springfield, Illinois to visit some friends. The weekend before they left, we all had a great time together with Matt.

On Friday, we got together with our friends, Sandy and Dennis. We started out with a Wii boxing and bowling tournament. My sister, Carol, knocked me out during boxing, and Matt wasn't kind to Art. I, however, won the bowling match!!!! After the tournament, Sandy and Dennis treated all of us to dinner at the Avenue Pub, a favorite place in Madison. We had a great fish dinner, and appreciated the Coutures generosity!

On Saturday, Carol, Rick, Art, Matt, and I made a trip to the "House on the Rock". The house is a famous attraction near Madison. It is hard to describe! A man built a house in a rock that has a structure that juts out 75 ft about 150 ft above the ground. After the house was completed, he began an eclectic collection of stuff, which included dollhouses, model ships, miniature circus models, antique mechanical instruments, etc. The collections are housed in 5 large warehouse areas. It takes hours to walk through! Carol and I enjoyed it, but Matt called it the "House of Junk"!

Sunday was a trip to the Wisconsin Dells. We had lunch at a famous burger place, Monks, and then visited the museum of torture, house of mirrors, and took a ride on a Wisconsin Duck, which is a WWII amphibious troop-landing boat. They go on land and water. We tried to get Ricky to sit in the back where you get wet, but he didn't fall for it. He saw them wiping off the seat before he got on!

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